This part of the page we will explain to you a little about the history of Anabolic Steroids. We will tell you when steroids came about and how they did also what different kinds of steroids there are.
Scientist started testing Steroids in the 1930's on dogs and noticed an increase in muscle mass (steroid world, 1999-2001). Then in the 1940's some believe that steroids were given to people who were POW's and were suffering from malnutrition (steroid world, 1999-2001). In the 1950's Russian used steriods with their army to make their soliders stronger. By 1964, all the top steroids were on the market. Doctors used these steroids in certain conditions for patients, to help cure them, yet nobody really knew proper dossages for steroids (steroid world, 1999-2001).
High class competitors competing against other countries almost always used high dossaged, long cycles of steroids. How to use the steroids were learned from a training partner, trainer, or another group using the steroids, thus resulting in bad side effects, but incredible strength gains.
Today, there are millions of athletes on steroids, there are used in all sports by both females and males. The majority of users are in their late teens. Steroids are being used at ages as young as 13 to increase performances in school sports. Athletes will do anything to achieve their goals no matter how high the risc is.
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